♥ Amma's Chicken Curry ♥ Non-Veg

Fennel, Cinnamon, Cloves OR alternatively, anything that smells good like briyani powder.

Then onions
ginger-garlic paste
Amma's curry powder

Simmer once roasted add water

Add chicken

salt to taste

to make thicker - porikadla powder or coconut

Chukku Coffee (caffeine-free)

This is a recipe for cold, fever, cough, etc.

There are many varieties; this is the one that works best for our family.

1 cup milk
1/2 cup water
1/2 tbs dry ginger
1/3 tbs black pepper
1/4 tbs coriander
2 tbs sugar

Put I all ingredients into sauce pan and make sure the spice are mixed in. Bring to a boil. Simmer until water evaporates away.

This recipe does not include coffee. I have seen some varieties of this recipe that is Only coffee no milk. Some with coffee and milk. So it's up to you. The main ingredients are the dry ginger and black pepper - add more if you have more congressional. You should sweat after drinking this and go to sleep.  You should be much better in the morning.
